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School ERP Software

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Smartness ka Jamana hai.!

School ERP Software

Skool Sage is a dedicated school ERP software that aims at easing off administrative hassles and bridging the gap between teachers, parents, and students. It provides a comprehensive platform for all stakeholders to come together on a single platform and get various services.

Some of the main features incorporated in our school ERP software are-

Multi-user functionality
User friendly interface
Data security and backup
Cost saving
SMS and email integration
Online and on-site client support

It is a robust and an agile way to get customized services for smooth functioning of your school and to ensure that the data is secure and backed-up efficiently. It also provides all kinds of information regarding fee, transport, attendance, course details, exams, library feature, e-learning etc. on one platform and students, teachers, and parents can access it easily.

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